Pure 2 Improve Tempo Trainer 48″


Tempo Trainer – 48″ (122cm)

Size: 48″

Weight: 585g

Colour: Red


  • Head weight improves kinetic sequencing in the swing
  • Strengthens core golf muscles
  • Fits easily in golf bag and is legal to carry on course
  • Fibreglass shaft eliminates early release
  • Durable head for frequent use
  • Develops a flatter swing and forces downswing to be initiated by the lower body,
  • Fights slicing shots


Tempo Trainer – 48″ (122cm)

Pure2Improves Tempo Train is a effective training tool that is designed to develop yourself a flatter swing and develop a technique that results in the lower body instigating down swing. This all combines to fights slicing shots. The Tempo Trainer is able to be used anywhere at anytime and is a great low-impact stretch for pre-round warm-up. and perfect to strengthen those core golf muscles. It fits easily into golf bags and is legal to be carried around on the golf course! Therefore it’s a viable tool even during a round. There is Fibreglass used within the Tempo Trainer which eliminates early release.

The head weight improves your kinetic sequencing in the swings. The kinematic sequence is the order in which various parts of the body and club accelerate and decelerate. This improvement is what causes the development of a flatter swing and forces downswing and ultimately reduces sliced shots.

The Tempo Train is also available in a 40″ sized model.